Sunday, December 8, 2013

Little Johnny...HAHA!

one day in school little johnny was sitting in the back of the class room and the teacher asked what part of your bodies go to heaven first. Well he was sitting there raising his hand and she called on little sussie and she said your hands and the teacher asked why your hands and she says because u pray with them u eat u do everything with them and the teacher says good answer. So little johnny still has his hand up so she calls on little billy and he says your head and the teacher asks why he said because it is the top part of your body so the teacher says ok thats a good answer. So little johnny is sitting in the back of the room and he is about to jump out of his seat and so the teacher says ok little johnny and he says your feet and the teacher says why because last night I was walking to the bathroom and i pasted my mom and dads room and i seen daddy on top of mommy and mommy had her feet up in the air saying jesus im coming im coming.

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